project 365 (2009) weather

Day 199: Perfect

It is nearly late July and I have my apartment windows open because the weather is the nicest it could possibly be. Like, it’s so nice that I’m having a hard time trusting it. So nice that it has to have ulterior motives. So nice that I’m pretty sure it’s scamming me one way or the other. So nice that I’m afraid I will come home and it will have left town with all my…

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food friends project 365 (2009)

Day 192: Dip

A person can do worse than a Saturday afternoon spent swimming and lounging and eating turkey and goat cheese and heirloom tomato sandwiches with her friends. Much worse. [Project 365]

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all paragraphs in this post start with I music musings videos

‘No feelings except this is right’

I am full of lust lately, the kind that propels you toward ways of living that most people consider silly and decadent and hedonistic and unsustainable. Aaaand that’s because they are. But it doesn’t matter; a person who can’t get behind hedonism is a person you shouldn’t care to know. I want things. Things that have no real-life counterpart. Things that can only ever exist in digital daydreaming. That’s okay. I want to imagine the…

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friends project 365 (2009) why am I telling you this?

Day 182: Ahhhhhhh

On a tip, I found a super-secret swimming hole today in which to wile* away my summer afternoons. This is good. I’ve been sleeping too much (when I haven’t been sleeping enough). It’s time to get out in the sunshine. To let the light in. So much to talk about, but nothing to say. Waves and waves of pain and disappointment have hit several of the people around me lately, and I’ve been left each…

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food project 365 (2009)

Day 168: Fruit Pops Are the New Morning Coffee

Please ignore that skanky-looking nerve-bitten thumb, which is most certainly NOT MINE. Anyway, never underestimate the ability of a fruit pop to wake your sleepy ass up. [Project 365]

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I hate/love nature project 365 (2009)

Day 167: Striped With Radiation

If you’ve been with me for more than a year, you might recognize that title from a previous post or two. So if I get another sunburn, I am going to have to come up with another way to talk about it. Yawn! This particular sunburn’s not so bad, all things considered. Sure, my ears have peeled and my part’s flaking like your popular prom date, but I haven’t had to coax myself into a…

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It’s 5 a.m. and I’m posting a random photo

I’ve been going back through my Flickr, reacquainting myself with all the things that have happened over the past few months, and I found this photo, which I truly madly deeply love.

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