
Day 5/365: CueCat

Wrestling at work with some quite frustrating QR code integration issues (and getting steamrolled by the marketing department’s demands in the process). Was shown this by a co-worker who recounted for me the great CueCat debacle of the ’90s and ’00s. Because people apparently thought having a dedicated barcode scanner was somehow a greater convenience than simply typing in a URL. People are weird. And stupid, I meant to say stupid. Also, is anyone else…

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photography project 365 (2009)

Day 244: 50D

My little silver Rebel XTi, which my dad got for me a couple of years ago when I started commandeering his own XTi every time I’d come home to visit, has served me so incredibly well these past two years. It has truly been my introduction to photography, even though I took about two seconds of a black and white film class at MTSU before dropping it because I could NEVER get the film on…

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Bitchy McComplainsalot project 365 (2009)

Day 63: Technotroubles

My Blackberry has been a real asshole lately. It’s just randomly deleted my call logs and my text messages four times now over the past month. I’ve called tech support three times and was told (the third time; the first two times, the people didn’t mention a word about this because they are obviously idiots) I needed to have AT&T wipe it because it’s a Blackberry glitch in which the phone will, if it gets…

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the internet is fun

Google ain’t skeered, I guess

When Nashville got Google Street View before Memphis did, I wasn’t terribly surprised. I’ll bite my tongue on that subject. But when Little Rock got it before we did? That smelled. I just imagined Google minions being too chickenshit to drive around slowly through the 901 hood in their little 360-degree-camera-topped cars. Heh. But who’s got two thumbs and is a total dumbass? >>>THISGUY.<<< View Larger Map Edit: B-Rob at the CA reminds me of…

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