Bitchy McComplainsalot project 365 (2009)

Day 63: Technotroubles

Day 63: Technotroubles

My Blackberry has been a real asshole lately. It’s just randomly deleted my call logs and my text messages four times now over the past month. I’ve called tech support three times and was told (the third time; the first two times, the people didn’t mention a word about this because they are obviously idiots) I needed to have AT&T wipe it because it’s a Blackberry glitch in which the phone will, if it gets low on memory, decide for you what data to erase. Thanks, Blackberry! Now come over here so I can punch you in the neck.

Make your own smartphone joke here, please. I don’t get paid enough to stoop that low.

Explanation here, if anyone on the planet cares.

INSTANT UPDATE: This all seems a little bogus, though, since not long ago I checked my free space, and had 463,736 bytes free. And then a little later, I noticed the phone had wiped out the three new text messages I had gotten since it deleted everything at around midnight. I’m not a rocket surgeon, so I don’t know how much space 463,000 bytes actually constitutes, but it would seem that 463,000 is a long way from zero. And AT&T tells me they don’t replace hardware for this glitch because it’s a known Blackberry issue. Huh.

NEXT-MORNING UPDATE: I’m baffled. I woke up to more than 20 new e-mail messages and yet my free space has gone up — it’s now at more than 700,000 bytes. This phone is phucked, I’m pretty sure. And yet AT&T straight-up told me they wouldn’t replace it. I’m am full of impotent rage!

[Project 365]

7 thoughts on “Day 63: Technotroubles”

  1. Well, 463,000 bytes is about 463 kb, so like half a meg. In today’s terms that sounds tiny, but I dunno how much space a txt takes up.

  2. Like Jen said, 463,000 bytes is a teensy amount of memory. Three (640×480) photographs worth. Are you hanging onto a bunch of old photos that you could maybe purge out? Or video? I don’t know what all blackberries do these days.

    I know it doesn’t solve the phonephuck problem (it’s still Blackberry’s fault, not yours), but it might help you hang onto texts & such.

  3. @Randal
    It’s crazy because I had deleted ALL my photos in anticipation of the master wipe I was going to have AT&T do. So I’m not sure what’s taking up all my memory. I have, like three saved MMSes in the whole phucking phone. !$@^%$$%&@!*(&*(&

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