pregnancy weather

Week twelve

This week the clouds dumped roughly three thousand inches of water onto us over the course of several days, and I was very grateful for a roof over my head. I spent some time in the basement at work as a menacing cell moved through Downtown. The sun is out today. All around us and especially to the south, there are enormous amounts of carnage and destruction. The death toll was still in double digits…

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Project 365 (2011) weather

Day 55/365: Post-Tornado Sky

And now begins the portion of the year where I spend a good deal of time 1) hoping a tree or large parts of a tree don’t fall on my house 2) in the basement at work, fidgeting as a siren blasts in my ear and deadline nears 3) pretending that either of those things are anywhere near as terrifying as the prospect of an actual tornado coming across that river and fucking things up.…

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I'm posting about my damn cats again weather

Day 20/365: It Snowed Again, DIDJA HEAR?

Oh, man. It’s weird having so many weather events lately. I feel like I have to make a funny face when I say that: weather events. The snow was so pretty and peaceful coming down today and then I had to leave the house. That’ll make a person real grumpy real fast. Snow days are okay though, because we try to get done with work early and get the heck outta dodge before midnight, when…

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The thing is…

It could be a thousand degrees every day during July, and I will forget about it and forgive you, weather, every single year, when you give me this kind of October. You co-dependent bastard, you.

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friends weather


I’m having a hard time really wrapping my brain around exactly what is happening in Nashville right now, but I know that a lot of people I care very much about are having a really hard time. And they are scared. And I feel so helpless out here in Shelby County, offering small bits of moral support in tweets and texts and blog posts, but I don’t know what to do. I just don’t know…

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weather work

Weather whoas

There comes a time every spring in the Mid-South when the outdoors just gets damned hostile. We had such a beautiful and mild and relatively dry April. Then here comes May, thrashing like an atmospheric adolescent, tantrum after tantrum after tantrum. It feels like we’ve been under siege from the outside for days, but it’s only been about 24 hours. Still, those 24 hours have brought, what, half a dozen tornado warnings in my ‘hood?…

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Just dropping in

I had just gotten off the phone with my mom (“So far, so good!” I’d told her) when I saw (well, heard, first) this limb come down with a smack to the roof and a thud on the ground. The impact shook every piece of glass in my house. It fell at a fortunate angle; it could have easily busted through my back bedroom windows. When the rain let up, I went outside to see…

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friends Memphis musings photos weather

It snowed again

  I woke up at 6 a.m. to get ready to take Tamara to the airport, and checked Twitter (a regrettable but sometimes useful ritual), only to see @mdinstuhl telling everyone to look outside. I hadn’t been keeping up with the news and usually if there is any chance of solid precipitation coming, its impendingness is a major, major deal and everyone spends the entire night prior making milk-and-bread jokes. But nothing, not a peep.…

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