gardening the family yardlust

Green-thumb intervention update


I’m in the process of drawing diagrams of my flowerbeds and what’s planted where. My mom and grandmother were so giddy about being here and helping me out that they’re coming back tomorrow morning, this time with my dad and a lawnmower in tow.

I need the diagrams so I won’t spontaneously forget something’s brewing in the ground in a particular spot and plant something right on top of it. They brought me a good share of surprise lilies to find earthly homes for. They apparently present green foliage for a good long while, and then one day they don’t have anything to show for themselves, and you kind of forget about them, until a single stalk with a bloom makes itself known. Surprise! Lilies!

We also planted a baby redbud tree that, probably next spring, will flower nice and pink down by the street. And there’s a rain tree out in the yard now too. It’ll be fun watching them grow. Did I just type that? I sure did.

2 thoughts on “Green-thumb intervention update”

  1. Surprise Lillies are also known as “Naked Ladies” since the stem and flower just pops up out of no where and blooms sometime around July and August. Be sure to tell people you have “Naked Ladies” all over your yard. I’ll be curious to see what colors you get. White, pink, red or striped?

    Google “crinum lilly” for proper latin names and more information.

    Trivia for you–those bulbs actually dig themselves down deeper over time and old antique stands of them can be 2-3ft deep in the ground.

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