the internet is fun

Does this blog make my ass look fat?

Here in a little bit I’ll leave the musty darkness of the T&G headquarters to meet a real-life flesh and blood person who became aware of my existence because of this blog.

It’s a samesexheterodate, of sorts, the hot new trend sweeping through middle America (stay tuned for the deliriously clueless profile of samesexheterodating that’s bound to run in the New York Times style section later this month). Samesexheterodating: You know, people of the same gender with no intention of “hooking up” or “going wild,” as the kids call it, meeting up for drinks and conversation and maybe, if things go according to plan, some devilish laughter at the expense of the less ironically detached among us.

I won’t link to her just yet because I’m not sure if she’s cool with going public with our potential samesexheterorelationship. If you’re lucky, maybe I’ll let you know whether or not I let her get to first base. (In samesexheterodating, first base = talking about your pets!!!)

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