the internet is fun

Google ain’t skeered, I guess

When Nashville got Google Street View before Memphis did, I wasn’t terribly surprised. I’ll bite my tongue on that subject. But when Little Rock got it before we did? That smelled. I just imagined Google minions being too chickenshit to drive around slowly through the 901 hood in their little 360-degree-camera-topped cars. Heh. But who’s got two thumbs and is a total dumbass?


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Edit: B-Rob at the CA reminds me of this story we put out in July: Google claimed Memphis was “too isolated” to merit street view. Ahahahahaa.

Edit, take two: Okay, Google does seem to be somewhat skeered. I mean, look at the gaping lack of coverage in this photo. Leaving out that much of South Memphis and Orange Mound? (And Cooper-Young?) Really, Google? Maybe they’ll come back and fill in the gaps.

5 thoughts on “Google ain’t skeered, I guess”

  1. I wouldn’t back off the “too scared” comments just yet. If you drag the icon over the larger Google map, you can see the parts of town they did skip.

    Still, it’s better than nothing. Google can’t get off their lazy butts and make their way down the toll road from Chicago and hit up South Bend. Booze!

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