
In a city of the future, it is difficult to concentrate

Oooh, when I got in to work today there was a festive basket sitting on my desk full of a ton of junk food and pretzels and holiday fun stuff. Hooray for Christmas and its ability to make compulsive gift-givers out of everyone, including me!

Phil and I went shopping yesterday to check some things off our list. I didn’t do as well as I had hoped, but I got some things out of the way. I’ll have to brave the malls alone to get Phil’s stuff sometime next week, I guess.

Mona Lisa Smile was a letdown. Perhaps it might have had some significance if shown in the mid-1950s, but as a 2003 vehicle, it rings empty. Still though, not a bad movie by any means.

Well, work has piled up on my desk and I get the feeling I’m putting us behind. So I guess I better jump on it.

I think I’m going to start posting my 100 Words contributions here because I hate how they’re not available to be read until the end of a month.