videos yardlust

A chipmunk movie mercifully not starring Jason Lee

I spotted a chipmunk in my yard last week. A lone adorable chipmunk. I named him Hans. I don’t care what his parents call him.

Today I peeked out the bathroom window to scowl at the bird fights and noticed Hans in a pot of pansies, head down in the dirt, munching on something. Naturally, because I act like I am on safari all the damn time, I had to film him to prove he’s real. Of course, when I came back with my phone, he’d left the pot and was standing, frozen, on the lawn. Check him out:

VIDEO QUALITY BITCHFEST: I realize that you can probably barely make out Hans in the sixteen or so total pixels below. Once Vimeo deigns to process my video, I’ll replace this horrible YouTube version. Compression shomshpression. Fixed!

Attila the Hans from Lindsey Turner on Vimeo.

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