I'm posting about my damn cats again the manfriend

Evolution of a man-cat relationship

Once upon a time, Jack and the manfriend had a tense relationship. They seemed to be developing a friendship until one night that Jack did not take kindly to something the manfriend said, and dispensed with a hiss and a face smack. After that, Ray did not care to have much contact with either kitty.

For a while.

Seems like during the winter break, while I have been slaving away over a hot computer monitor at work, Ray has become fast friends with the kitties, especially Jack. Now Jack gets more loving than I do. I can nuzzle and purr and Ray will reach past me to retrieve a feline to pet. It’s gross. Just now, over on the couch, he said, “Go back to sleep, my love,” to Jack. Sally came around and he exclaimed, “Oh no, two kitties! I’m not going to be able to contain myself!” And now he is hitting on Miss Kitty like tomorrow the Mayan aliens are coming to make good on their crazed end-of-the-world promises.

Anyway, despite my raging jealousy, I’m glad to see the three of them getting along. The house is much more at peace when he’s chasing them around for hugs instead of chasing them around to terrorize them.

You can tell how things have shifted by considering the evolution of Ray’s nicknames for Jack over the months:

The Fat One
The Orange One
Orange Kitty
Mr. Fatty
Mr. Kitty
Mr. Kits
Mr. Cutie
Mr. QT