7 thoughts on “Soundtrack to this week: Bloody fight edition”

  1. Which answers the question I sent you on Myspace, and leaves me in further awe of the Universe.

  2. That is seriously, seriously weird.

    Also, now YouTube has apparently pulled this video. Damn them.

  3. It’s that damn band from those “Music Is My Girlfriend” commercials. I like them.

  4. This is the pattern in my life: Latch on to a band/musician long after their pop-culture zenith and then act like no one has ever heard of them before. This seems to happen particularly often with musicians who have been featured in Apple commercials, which is just nuts.

    I think it means I have bad taste…

  5. There’s this elfin Canuck woman from Broken Social Scene called Feist. You might wanna check her out.

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