
Life hacks

1. Periodically spill coffee all over yourself and your office furniture to ensure a warm and cozy lingering scent at all times. 2. Make eye contact with all horses you see on the interstate. 3. Buy a loaf of Italian bread and cut into slices that you only eat right before bedtime. 4. Test your dog’s love for you by applying a charcoal mask and making quick, uncertain movements around her. 5. When lying in…

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#amwriting #pmwriting #goals

There is apparently a hashtag for writers who are writing — #amwriting. I can’t not read it as “morning writing,” which is the exact fantasy I lust after the hardest. The picture is this: I wake up naturally, feeling rested, at exactly 7 a.m. I kiss my peacefully sleeping, nonapneic husband on the cheek and make my way to the extremely clean kitchen to the coffee maker, which has been helpfully preloaded and just needs…

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‘Put the sign on the door ’til the money runs out’

I like to listen to !!! when I get in photo editing or writing trances and the magic that happens around the 3-minute mark in this song makes me question my decision not to become a raver.

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design Eyedot Creative

We had a wedding and everything went great

This time last year, I was feverishly developing plans for my upcoming July wedding. And not, like, elaborate plans, but things like “how many star outlines of different sizes can I effectively fit onto this many pieces of glittery cardstock?” I designed and crafted my ass off and had a ton of fun doing it (depite my complaints of sore scissor hands at the time). You can read about those efforts here, as I have…

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art writing


I’m trying. It’s never flattering, pushing yourself outside your comfort zone. Opening up your chest and letting people see inside and maybe take a swing at your softest parts, if they want. I happened to see a last-minute call on Facebook for an open slot for love-themed artwork for the February exhibition at the Gordon JCC‘s art gallery. I emailed the curator my balloons-in-the-trash photo from a few years ago and asked if she’d be…

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newspaper stuff work writing

Career change

How do you reinvent yourself? I keep thinking of a career change as a moment where you’re riding in a car and the car door opens and you have to lean out of the door and keep rolling as you fall. If you roll just right, you will have minimal injuries and you might just be able to stand up and walk it off. A few months ago, the career I had been building in…

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holden parenthood

From the mouths of babes, January 2018

Without any prompting, ask your child these questions and write down EXACTLY what they say. Holden, 6 years old: 1. What is something mom always says to you? Stop getting in Sandy’s face. 2. What makes mom happy? To listen and get out of Sandy’s face. 3. What makes mom sad? When I don’t listen to you. 4. How does your mom make you laugh? By saying I’m gonna poop in your face. 5. What…

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