I can't believe I'm talking about sports the manfriend

We are not nice people

Things the bf and I may have yelled at the TV while watching the Colts-Eagles game when Austin Collie got smacked around a bit and the officials called unnecessary roughness and Collie laid pretty still there for a several minutes: “Get that vegetable off the field!” “Yeah, this isn’t a farm!” I am only posting this because Collie turned out to be merely concussed or some such and also because I have no shame.

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friends I can't believe I'm talking about sports I hate/love nature

Sports and leisure and science and nature

When Kristin came to visit last week and we needed a way to kill a Wednesday afternoon, we ended up at Lichterman Nature Center, where I’m fairly sure I went as a kid on a field trip once. Faaaairly sure. Anyway, being there as an adult is weird. Supposedly it’s how this area of the country would look if not for urban development. I think about those giant lily pad things being everywhere and it…

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I can't believe I'm talking about sports

Fear me, football wonks

Vicious Thighs is starting out strong this year with a week one squeaker and then this week two blowout. As in years past, I am employing a strategy of radical cluelessness, which propelled me to second place in the league last year. Second place by single digits, no less! This post is in no way my attempt to gloat like a hubris-faced chump without all-out jinxing myself. Nope. No sir.

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friends I can't believe I'm talking about sports Memphis photos

Ballpark figures

It was freaking hot hot hot Sunday but once we surrendered ourselves to back sweat and frizzy hair and $7 Ghost River beers*, I dare say we had ourselves a grand old time.           *Okay, okay, okay. I was the only one surrendering myself to beer.

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I can't believe I'm talking about sports project 365 (2009)

Day 85: Not This Year

So Mizzou knocked the Tigers out of the tournament. I was rooting for blue thanks to an opportunistic combination of civic pride and knowledge that a successful U of M organization is good for my workplace’s vitality. One of these days, if I’m in Memphis long enough, I’m betting I’ll start rooting for Memphis with sincere gusto. Maybe next year? [Project 365]

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I can't believe I'm talking about sports project 365 (2009)

Day 6: Cheap Seats

Went to the Griz game tonight. Bought the $5 tickets and sat way up high and tried to fend off the fantasies of what would happen if one unlucky beer drinker tripped and pitched himself down those vertical stairs. Oy. We lost. [Project 365]

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I can't believe I'm talking about sports

For the Ole Miss fans … assuming any actually read this blog

Have you guys ever read the Urban Dictionary entries for “Hotty Toddy”? This one’s funny: Contrary to popular misconception, hotty toddy is neither a fight song nor an attempt to trigger (pun intended) LSU fans’ suicide by shooting themselves (since they have reason enough to do so just by virtue of being LSU fans). Rather, it is a heartening cheer exchanged between Ole Miss Rebel fans to ensure that they are still sober enough to…

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comedy I can't believe I'm talking about sports work

Topical humor: Olympics edition

(Like everyone else, all we can talk about in the newsroom lately is Michael Phelps.) Intern, just after Phelps’ win last night: I bet he’s on steroids. Metro editor: Did you see what he eats every day*? Intern: Steroids? *According to Wikipedia, it’s either 6,000 or 12,000 calories a day. YOW.

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I can't believe I'm talking about sports the family

I needed this

The sunset tonight was pink for twenty seconds, and then it dissolved into orange and blue. I know because I was outside — paying attention for once — my old softball glove on one hand and one of those pitted practice softballs in the other, readying to hurl it toward my brother, who was intent on hitting it over the bales of hay far behind me and into the pasture. He never did hit it…

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dreams I can't believe I'm talking about sports I refuse to get old randomosity weather work

Little things

• I woke up yesterday with a brand new grey hair. Funny thing is, I can probably pinpoint the exact moment it sprouted Thursday night. • Our office calendars use the Futurama credit-sequence font for the names of the months. This pleases me to an exceptional degree. • Speaking of calendars, I still don’t have one in the apartment for 2008. I’ve also decided that I need a datebook so I can write down appointments…

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