I'm posting about my damn cats again Jack

+1 skill point

All the doorknobs in my apartment look like this. The apartment is old and the building’s foundation has shifted enough times that most of the doors don’t actually latch when you close them. Jack has caught on to this and has made it his mission to figure out how to open the doors around here, many of which stay “closed” but not quite closed. His technique? Standing on his hind legs, stretching as far as…

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I'm posting about my damn cats again Jack

100 percent less pukey

I’ve been asked by a couple of people how Jack’s doing since his copious-vomiting incident last week … or whenever it was. See for yourself: I persisted in giving him his antibiotics for two days, at which point it became clear that he didn’t need any medicine; he had just needed to barf up everything in his stomach and start all over. He’s totally fine and back to destroying any and all paper items he…

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I'm posting about my damn cats again Jack

Obligatory cat digestion update

Jack and I just got back from the vet. The clinic on Central and East Parkway was kind enough to squeeze us in even though we’re not regulars. I’ve still got a bad taste in my mouth from the last time I dealt with Eastgate, so I am happy there’s a clinic closer to my apartment than way out east. Plus, four or five blocks of mewling vs. twenty minutes of it? I don’t even…

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I'm posting about my damn cats again Jack

Something’s up with Jack

That’s not cat hair all over my comforter. It’s just a fancy comforter made of expensive fur from endangered animals. I woke up this morning to find a lovely grapefruit-sized splatter of cat puke on my beloved brown and darker brown hallway rug (the one KHall and Jimmy gave Phil and me as a going-away present when we moved to Memphis). It was thick and chunky like clam chowder and I decided quickly not to…

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I'm posting about my damn cats again Jack

Empty threat

Me, to Jack, who was eyeing the new phone cord I just installed: “If you so much as put that cord in your mouth, I will pull out your teeth and make a necklace of them and wear it in front of you so you’ll be sad.”

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I'm posting about my damn cats again Jack project 365

Day 310 — Feeding Time

I’ve had to start feeding Felix in the cage (or hang around to watch him eat), because if I leave him unattended, the kitties — mostly Jack — move in and snarf up all his food. Because, you know, I never feed them and they are STARVING TO DEATH. Here’s how it usually happens: Decides he’d like ferret food for lunch. Makes an obvious move. Gets smacked away by human. Is full of resentment. Begins…

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I'm posting about my damn cats again Jack project 365

Day 303 — Booster Shots

Jack’s pushing ten pounds and Sally has just eeked over six. Nov. 8 has been deemed the day they will get snipped so that we don’t end up with any (devastatingly adorable) inbred kittens. Project 365

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