I'm posting about my damn cats again Jack

+1 skill point

All the doorknobs in my apartment look like this.

keyhole pwnage

The apartment is old and the building’s foundation has shifted enough times that most of the doors don’t actually latch when you close them.

Jack has caught on to this and has made it his mission to figure out how to open the doors around here, many of which stay “closed” but not quite closed.

His technique? Standing on his hind legs, stretching as far as he can, and hooking one singular claw into a vacant keyhole, letting his weight and gravity do the rest until the door swings open. He’s surprisingly effective at this, and when I catch him trying to do this to the doors that actually do latch, I can’t help but laugh because the doors don’t budge, which means he just gets stuck there, his one little claw extended to its limit, his weight baring down so that he can’t retract it. He tries to fake it like, Oh, hey man. I was just … hanging around. Pretty nice day out. Saw some dustbunnies float past a minute ago and I just heard you fill up the food bowl. But I’m hanging out here for a while. Sniffing the breeze. Catch you later, man.

But I know. Dumbass.

2 thoughts on “+1 skill point”

  1. Does he get into these jams when you aren’t home? Might want to be careful, he could get hurt.

  2. Never let him be around Eddie. Eddie figured out very early on to hook his paw under the door to open it. The only time this doesn’t work for him (other than when it is “actually closed”) is when he stands too close to it and it bounces off his body and closes again. That is hilarious.

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