ouchie-wa-wa project 365 (2009)

Day 35: Waiting Room

I’m stubborn, but not stubborn enough to continue ignoring this mucus mutiny that is happening inside me. Usually I can let a sinus infection pass without interfering, but this one doesn’t seem to be going anywhere. Sunday I thought I was on the mend but then Monday I sat here and felt my throat grow swollen and sore, and then this morning I woke up and could barely turn my head because my lymph nodes…

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This post will make you sorry you read this blog

My foot’s been doing this weird thing lately where every time I move it, the nerves on the top go all haywire and jangly on me. It’s really uncomfortable. And I’m pretty sure it was caused by the bandage being wrapped too freaking tight around the middle of my foot. So, last night, a combination of my jangly nerves and the extreme discomfort that came from walking inspired me to very stupidly take off the…

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My foot fucking hurts. I feel like the princess and the pea, only I’m no princess, and I feel the pea every time I step on my right foot, and the pea feels more like a flaming boulder then a measly little pea. Like any redblooded American, I am enjoying the painkillers, but I’m finding that they’re really not doing too much more than making me feel stoned without the paranoia. Which means I just…

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