the internet is fun

Google ain’t skeered, I guess

When Nashville got Google Street View before Memphis did, I wasn’t terribly surprised. I’ll bite my tongue on that subject. But when Little Rock got it before we did? That smelled. I just imagined Google minions being too chickenshit to drive around slowly through the 901 hood in their little 360-degree-camera-topped cars. Heh. But who’s got two thumbs and is a total dumbass? >>>THISGUY.<<< View Larger Map Edit: B-Rob at the CA reminds me of…

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the internet is fun the internet is NOT fun

Crisis averted!

So we had some unscheduled downtime today. Perhaps you saw the static screens of death?! I thought I must have done something horribly wrong (like finally figure out how to get Akismet working) but it turns out that the Bluehost office dog probably just peed on my server. Thanks, puppy. I Twittered my panic like a mofo, and several people were kind enough to chime in and offer help and support. The internet can be…

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the internet is fun

I surf the web so you don’t have to

Listen, kids. I spend an unholy amount of time skimming the web for interesting shit. Every day, I spacebar my way through hundreds upon hundreds of news stories/blog posts in my Google reader. And every now and then I find something that piques my interest. And I toggle on the “share” thingamajigger and it magically shows up here. It also shows up in the sidebar to the right, but that thing will only show ten…

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the internet is fun

Information overload

I love spam. Subject lines also spotted in my junk folder today: “Men are prone to love dysfunction” (ain’t it the truth) “Pump your larger organ into her” “Laptops explode with overusage” “Cheap priced Bachelor” “I AM JANET CONTACT SHIPPING COMPANY FOR BANK DARFT” “Hot chick visits senile grandpa” “Teenage Girl obviously Having Affair With Bat” And this one — titled “uterus excitement, nervousness, or restlessness; severe dizziness,” — came with this gonzo poem: was…

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comedy it's true — I'm crazy the internet is fun

Yet another outlet for the awful thoughts my brain produces

Lately I’ve been having some pretty epic conversations with my friend T-bagz (I hesitate to use his real name because he is scared of the internet) via, because, damn, that place has a card for every flatulent sentiment in existence. Well, almost. Here are a few that would be useful but that I’ve not found on the site, so feel free to click and download and send to your pals if the occasion arises.…

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the internet is fun

The fish eggs are greener on the other side

I have a Yahoo! e-mail account that I rarely to never log into. Pretty much the only stuff that goes to that account is a bunch of newsletters I managed to get signed up for during my last couple of years of college. Actually, it’s such a short list that I can name them all — Sidelines, Saks Fifth Avenue, Circuit City, SpaLook, and NARAL. I just logged in to check on something, and had…

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the internet is fun

Does this blog make my ass look fat?

Here in a little bit I’ll leave the musty darkness of the T&G headquarters to meet a real-life flesh and blood person who became aware of my existence because of this blog. It’s a samesexheterodate, of sorts, the hot new trend sweeping through middle America (stay tuned for the deliriously clueless profile of samesexheterodating that’s bound to run in the New York Times style section later this month). Samesexheterodating: You know, people of the same…

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