the internet is fun

Jon Arbuckle is everyone

I think one of the more amazing web-based re-imaginings of existing art that I’ve ever encountered has to be Garfield Minus Garfield. It is disturbing and brilliant. And manages to make Garfield even funnier. Yes, I think Garfield is funny. What of it?! (HT: Brittney)

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randomosity the internet is fun

A dilemma

My mother’s appointment in Nashville tomorrow is at 7 a.m. Nashville is, on a good day, a two-and-a-half-hour drive from here. Factoring in I-40 madness (of which there is always at least a little) and Nashville morning traffic, I doubt we’ll be able to make it in less than three. Which means we need to leave at 4 a.m. Which means I would need to get up at 3 a.m. to get ready. Which means,…

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the internet is fun


I seriously dread the day I stop finding lolcats and internet advertising hilarious. And I look forward to the day when I can get a job anti-airbrushing models. (Click to embiggen.)

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bloggers news newspaper stuff the internet is fun

We have got to get this internet thing down some day

I’m about to pick a nit with the daily paper. I think I even beat Mediaverse to it! This is the big story on the M cover today, though it’s fairly buried in the online edition. It’s a Washington Post piece about online citizen journalists. It is curiously devoid of any reference to any Memphis citizen journalists. There are no breakout boxes with any links to local blogs that would qualify as being run by…

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