comedy holidays I'm posting about my damn cats again videos

In which my cats teach you an important history lesson

A Thanksgiving Story from Lindsey Turner on Vimeo.

Happy Thanksgiving, y’all.

15 thoughts on “In which my cats teach you an important history lesson”

  1. Is there NOTHING she can’t do? I ask ya!!!

    I’m seeing an Oscar-nominated short here, I tellyawhut.

    I also am so excited to see Miss Sally take her place as the Indian Princess we have always known she is.

    Nom nom nom.

    You and your bunch, ma’am, are on our list of Stuff To Be Thankful For.

    Have a lovely.

  2. Thank you, thank you! My mom just pointed out that I misspelled “blatantly,” so I am feeling extra dumb right now. Can we chalk it up to lolspeak?

  3. Frackin’ hilarious. First time I’ve laughed about smallpox blankets in a long time.

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