comedy friends memories videos

We’ll never work in this town again

Tonight I was reunited with Sarah Saint after a several-month hiatus and she made me download booty rap and then pretend to dance to it.

We’ll never work in this town again. from Lindsey Turner on Vimeo.

This is after we listened to the albums that defined our youth — Sixteen Stone, Vitalogy, Core, Undertow — and tried to relive the emotions we felt while lying on our beds with black lights illuminated and teenage hormones pulsing — but instead just collapsed into silly giggles, which is exactly what happened when I toggled on the camera while we tried to dance to some more modern music that will no doubt seem dated when we revisit it in thirteen years.

I really don’t know what to say after all that.


No, really.

5 thoughts on “We’ll never work in this town again”

  1. The 90s were my heyday, and in March 1997 at the Midsouth Colliseum, I went to see Bush and won backstage passes to meet the band during a Green Peace raffle. It was the highlight of my girlhood.

  2. just bought a used copy of vitalogy for 3 bucks a few days ago…being that theresa has always been a fan, it’s easy to relive the good old days when you’re not the only one singing along to “spin the black circle”…

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