friends Memphis project 365 (2009)

Day 274: Winner!

Day 274: Winner!

I got a nice little surprise on Wednesday* when I learned that I’d been voted Memphis’ No. 1 Twitterer by the readers of the Memphis Flyer. It’s a huge honor, and completely vindicates my cussin’, debaucherous, TMI-sharing ways. Huh to the motherfuckin’ zah, y’all!

The Flyer ever so kindly sent me a couple of passes to their Best of Memphis party, so I drug Sig over Danny Thomas Boulevard and into Midtown and made him schlep around with me. He was a good sport and only talked about tampons once! We got there too late and missed all the awesome food (except for chicken wings from Central BBQ, which we were sadly ill equipped to eat, despite having wetnaps), but we got there just in time for a few rounds of free booze. Free booze only really ever presents itself in my life at weddings, which means I usually have to watch myself so I don’t piss off the religious family members in attendance. But going to a Flyer party? No such restrictions. It felt a little like being important, which was fucking weird. Except they shut that shit down at 9:45 sharp (school night!), so we just shuffled out and had to seek our jollies elsewhere. Still, it was a good time. Ducked in and out of crowds. Marveled at some Memphis jookin’. Saw some people I knew and met some new and awesome folks and sort of recognized other faces I didn’t have the guts to approach. And yes, I tweeted from the bathroom. WINNER!

* This is actually the photo of the day for Thursday, Oct. 1. I’m writing this here because inevitably when I go back and look at my P365, I’m going to be confused as to why this photo was taken the day after the event I’m writing about. Self? Are you reading? Good, now just chill out. The timeline is correct. Take another swig and go back to your business.

[Project 365]

6 thoughts on “Day 274: Winner!”

  1. Good to see others recognizin’ what lots of us have known for longtimenow. Woo! Congratulations, Memphis Tweet Queen!

    Also, congrats on the new digs-to-be. You’re going to have to take 2010 to recover from the beautiful chaos that was 2009!

    (P.S. — Inquiring minds will want to see photos of teh kittehs’ reaction to the new abode.)

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