health musings relationships

Happiness, 2018

I need to say this right now: I am happy. I am grateful. I am in love and working hard and creating and thinking and striving and questioning and all the things that make me feel real and human and in progress.

I don’t have doubts about the big questions in my life. Once upon a time I feared that I would never love or be loved. I am lucky that I have found someone special to spend my time with. He is a good person and he lets me be me and that counts for so much. Regarding Life at large, I have questions and sneaking suspicions and opinions and silly hot takes but by and large I am amazed at and fascinated with this life and very grateful for every gulp of air that gets processed by my lungs and synthesized into life. I am in awe of every mile traveled, every hour logged, every thought that goes from fleeting vapor to actual real action. I am a smart ape and I do things because I can and should but the things I’m allowed to experience that go beyond me? It borders on the surreal.

What a strange and wonderful privilege it is to be alive and to experience the ennui and uncertainty and delight of a day in human skin.

I don’t have religion but I have gratitude.