randomosity videos

In which my roll is slowed substantially

Dear D of Bitter/Books fame recently threw a can of Drank my way because of its sheer awesomeness, and in the interest of science, I decided to document my first encounter with it.

I just want to point out how tough it was to make this video while trying not to fall asleep. I think my delirium can be blamed for the silly sound effects, too.

Drinking Drank like it’s meant to be drunk from Lindsey Turner on Vimeo.

P.S. Interested in investing in Drank? Buy low, sell high.

5 thoughts on “In which my roll is slowed substantially”

  1. awesome. yeah i can vouch for chugging the whole can not being a good idea at all, that’s how i had my first one. it doesn’t taste as bad as it seems like it should, right? i think “funky grape nehi” was the first tasting note i made, but i’m sure nugrape is pretty accurate too (nug rape?) anyway glad to see your roll wasn’t slowed TOO awful much, wouldn’t want you to end up in a coma


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