
Supply and demand

This post is going to be about breastfeeding and I am probably going to use crude slang. Scratch that. I am definitely going to use some crude slang. Avert your eyes if you’re too delicate to get real about what boobs are made for. I’m looking at you, nearly every man ever. (Just kidding, y’all are all right.) One of the biggest obstacles I have ever overcome is breastfeeding. Yes, I gave birth in my…

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dreams pregnancy

The latch

I had a dream about the baby last night. He was big and white and bald, and sitting in someone’s lap next to me, drinking from a bottle. I instantly began worrying that he was drinking formula, and wondering why he wasn’t in my lap, breastfeeding. Where had I been? How had I allowed him to have formula when the plan was to breastfeed exclusively? And so on. So I took him into my lap…

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