bloggers food project 365 (2009)

Day 7: Prophesy

Met up with @fancycwabs for lunch today at Lobster King, continuing my quest to de-weirdify Asian food to my palate. Had the cashew chicken and the hot and sour soup. It was great. I ate tofu, y’all. TOFU. Well, a little. Like, maybe a tablespoon or so. Still not sold. This is the fortune I got. I want very badly to believe that there is some big cosmic meaning behind the usage of “prophesy” instead…

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food it's true — I'm crazy project 365 (2009)

Day 5: Birthday Cake

Last night I cleaned out my fridge and today I finally threw away the remains of my 2007 birthday cake. There are no typos in that sentence, I assure you. I am just a disgusting, filthy human being who lives more or less like a 22-year-old bachelor (but who places “banging chicks” waaaay further down on the ol’ priority list). Actually, I made a conscious decision to keep the cake in, oh, say June, when…

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friends project 365 (2009) randomosity


For Christmas, my friend Ashley gave me several bottles of flavored syrup for my coffee. I tried the caramel today. It was the shit. So I got hopped upon caffeine and took pictures of the bottles. 2009 sure is looking promising in the excitement department! Actually, Ashley gave me those socks in yesterday’s picture, too. Here’s to Ashley for making my P365 possible so far! [Project 365]

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Oranges kind of are the only fruit

About this time every year, I get a real thing for oranges. Call it the legacy of growing up in a band-fruit town. I exercised my auntly duty and bought fruit from the nephews, who are now both in band, meaning I purchased two count ’em two boxes of fruit. I’ve got a box of amazingly slick-skinned navel oranges in the kitchen. And a box of pink grapefruit in the car. I don’t even like…

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food friends



The curious case of the disgusting shit in my bread

Internet, I almost don’t want to tell you this story because it is so gross. I mean, I have no problem talking about lost tampons or vomit, but this? This pushes my boundaries. But I’ll soldier on. The other night I was hanging out at home, G-chatting with Tamara, when I went to make myself a sandwich. I pulled out a piece of bread (wheat, in case you’re going for a complete mental picture) and…

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my special stupidity

Homemaking for dummies

I spent some time in the kitchen today, performing an alchemic miracle that resulted in this modest dish (I’ll pause so you can ooh and ah and gasp at the sheer brilliance that is supper bake in a box), which contains chicken, which means that I have roughly eight to forty-eight hours before the gnarly teeth of salmonella poisoning consume me. I mean, I cooked it ’til it was nice and white but still, I’m…

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news why am I telling you this?

The end of the world

I got in to work today and saw this fortune peeking out from under my mouse pad, and for a brief, delusional moment, thought that it was a sign from The Cosmos, a comforting hug from The Universe, an obliging reacharound from Fate, and I got to feeling kind of — dare I say — upbeat. I wondered where it had come from, who had left it for me, and what he/she meant by it.…

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food friends movies

In which I enjoy preparing food until The Universe reminds me that I have no business doing so

SS visited this weekend, and, hoping to counteract the heaping amounts of awfulness we ingested at IHOP (or, I-Poh those of us who may be dyslexic), we went to the grocery story Sunday night to stock up on semi- to mostly healthy things to make for dinner. We settled on the ingredients for some grilled chicken wraps and I decided that I wanted to try to recreate the roasted grapes I had at Lesley’s house…

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