holidays the family

This is the only family picture we have

Big ups to the total stranger at the Opryland Hotel who offered to take it for us when he saw me running back and forth from the makeshift, brick-column perch I had made for my camera, which was snapping one picture every 10 seconds while people wandered into the shot without knowing. I hope everyone has had a nice run of the holidays. I know I sure have. I am a lucky, lucky gal. A…

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holden the family

12.5.12: Thirteen months old

Mr. Scooter Booter Butt: Here is one thing I have learned about myself as a mother: I have absolutely no rock bottom when it comes to ridiculous nicknames for you. I’m sorry but I’m not sorry at all. And you should be warned that it’s probably only going to get more disgusting as you get older and start doing more new stuff and I start making dumb rhymes and puns and … I feel for…

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holden parenthood

11.5.12: ONE YEAR OLD!

My Buds: We made it! We survived that mythical and all-important first year! And I think we did a bang-up job. Look how far you’ve come: Can you believe it? It is surreal to think that a year ago, you came into this world and I got my first good look at you, and you were so new and unfamiliar to me. I had to learn how you looked; you were a wonderful combination of…

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holden parenthood

10.5.12: Eleven months old

Mr. Pooper: I don’t actually call you “Mr. Pooper.” I just like the idea of being able to say I was “hanging with Mr. Pooper.” Heh. You won’t get that reference but maybe if Google is still around, you can Google it. So somewhere around month nine or ten, you went from being this laid-back, never-fusses-ever baby to being a little boy with big, vocal wants. That has been an interesting transition for mama and…

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holden parenthood

8.5.12 and 9.5.12: Nine and Ten Months Old

Baby Bear: The clock is spinning out of control and I’m trying to catch up. I apologize for my lapse in posting about your milestones but I am not exaggerating when I say that this is the craziest life has ever been and there just seems to be a lack of time every single day of the week. I am so, so happy your daddy and you are finally here in Nashville with me. Those…

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holden parenthood

7.5.12: Eight months old

This post is a month old. I suspect I don’t have to explain why; amazing how little time you have to blog when you start a new job and move three hours away in the span of three weeks. So, many apologies to that end. In fact, I am going to try to post this and I might have to come back and add photos later, since I STILL haven’t gotten all of them from…

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holden the family

6.5.12: Seven months old

Mr. Banana-Grabber: I wonder if you can guess how you earned your new nickname. Got it yet? You discovered your wee wee a couple of months ago, actually, but as your relationship with it has matured, your treatment of it has gotten rougher. Your daddy and I are constantly encouraging you to be nice to the family jewels because when it’s bath time and you’ve finally got access to them, you tend to try to…

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5.5.12: Six months old

Dear Squirmy Worms: YOU HAVE A TOOOOOOOTH! Scratch that. You have TWOOOO TOOOOOOTHS! You have been drooling and gumming on things for weeks now, and battling with some brief moments of out-of-character grumpiness, so we knew this was inevitable. We just didn’t know how quickly it would happen! We were in Nashville last weekend visiting friends and Kristin and I just happened to spot a little white nub on your bottom gum. And we saw…

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4.5.12: Five months old

Ol’ Yeller: My sincere apologies on the extreme lateness of this post. We have been incredibly busy and there’s just not been a lot of time to write. But that’s because we have been having so much fun! This month you found your voice. I mean, really found it. You learned that you like to shriek and holler, and you are no stranger to very loud grunting when you’ve got, uh, business to take care…

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