musings travel


Up early this Saturday morning. Coffee and a spoonful of peanut butter while I wait on some biscuits to brown. I’ve got the sprinkler running out back, trying to soak the beds and save the flowers from scorching even further. I don’t know how to fight for them in this relentless bastard heat. I am feeling content at the moment — a delicious concoction inspired by the quiet before the total chaos of what is…

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memories music

‘Measuring time in blooms’

Sometimes I wish I could get back the outlook on life I had when this album was spinning nonstop in my car in high school. I thought I had things figured out. That was a long, long time before I realized that I will never have much of anything figured out. Anything.

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photos relationships

Yes, hello

I am here, I am a little shaken, but I am okay. Again, as they always do, my friends and family have gone above and beyond for me. I don’t know how I got so lucky. I’m deeply humbled, endlessly grateful, and I’ve got a lot to think about. It’s not quite time to write about it all yet, but in due time I’ll get it down. Thank you to everyone who gets me by.

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friends music musings travel

Happy trails

On my way through Lakeland a few weeks ago, I got behind the rental car I rode to Chicago in back in very late December. It really threw me to just randomly be riding in traffic behind the very same car that had been my road home for a few days. I mean, how many rental cars are on the road in Memphis at any given second? But I know that was the right car.…

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music musings the family

Sunday soundcheck*

Sunday morning in Memphis. Old School Freight Train is on the iTunes, water is on the stove boiling for coffee, and biscuits are waiting to be put in the oven. Yes, they’re frozen but they deserve respect because they will be delicious. The AC is earning its keep up above me. It’s a trip having your own central air. You Midtown people know what I’m talking about, I’m sure. That quiet chilly breath on your…

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music musings why am I telling you this?

5:38 a.m.

Can’t sleep. Got a lot on my mind and no real good way to say any of it. But the thoughts keep me awake anyway. They need oxygen so they can burn up and leave me alone. Saw a good show tonight. Young crowd. So many tall people or maybe I am shrinking. So many small and measured movements to the beats, hair stringy with sweat. Harshing my mellow, naturally, was That Guy. You know,…

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The perils of being the neighborhood night owl

Right now (1:30 a.m.) every dog in the neighborhood is going batshit because I just attempted to drag my trash down to the curb for tomorrow’s pickup. They heard me rooting around in my back yard, dragging bags of yard waste toward the gate. First it was the neighbor dogs to the west of me, then that set off the dog in the house just east of me, and then I heard some dogs down…

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friends I'm posting about my damn cats again photography yardlust

March twenty-seventh, twenty-ten

In this, a rare moment of calm before work, I am sipping slowly on a cup of coffee and gazing out the back window in the dining room, trying to catch glimpses through bush branches of what’s going on in the back yard. Ever since I decided to battle the raccoon by only putting the feeder out while I’m at home and awake, my hungry bird population has plummeted. It makes for a quieter and…

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friends music musings

‘Hold out your hand, feel my brain burns’

Had a pretty good weekend, despite the weather situation. Had some people over Sunday night. Ate, drank, and cooed at babies. Good times, I’d score it. It’s time to do some spring cleaning. In every possible way.

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memories music musings yardlust

‘She’s got a system made of metal and magnet bits inside a brain’

I had a moment with a robin today. Might be the same one who always pops up when I’m outside in the yard. Saraclark says he’s waiting for me to move branches and leaves and uncover worms for him to eat. So I guess I’m being used. But it’s still pretty interesting to be minding your own business and then turn around to see a bird two feet from you, watching your every move. I…

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