
Status update

It is weird to be watched. To have someone waiting for you display how human you are so he can come after you and exploit your weaknesses. To be the target of an emotional sniper. I wonder if he knows the damage he’s doing. Not to me, though. I’ve been working on being immune to that garbage for a long time and it’s finally taking hold. [][][] I’ve taken the week off from work. Naturally,…

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Write something

Write something. Write write write something. Anything. Use words to conjure up pictures in other people’s heads and yes maybe even your own. Stop asking why. You know why. You have to do it. It’s as much an instinct for you as blinking and breathing are. Can you imagine how awful it would be if one day you woke up and you couldn’t muster the energy to blink or breathe anymore? Your eyeballs would shrivel…

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parenthood randomosity why am I telling you this?

Sick-day blogging, whee

I stayed home from work today. Blame it on not getting home from work until 1 a.m. and then being up half the remaining night with an angry stomach. I have powered through days on three hours of sleep more times than I care to recount but today it was not happening. I fed my baby breakfast and kept him away from sharks and live wires until naptime, and then I went back to bed.…

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music randomosity

‘Against your walls, against your rules, against your skin’

This song has been in my brain since we heard it at The Cove Friday night. (I’m partial to the alternate video but it cuts the song off at the end.) I went to bed early last night (1:30 is early for me), but ended up sleeping late anyway, and am now battling brain fog as I’m trying to get some freelance photo work done. Plus I need a haircut and an oil change and…

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Transitions are for sissies

I have been sitting up for hours now with awful things happening inside me that I thought for sure were going to end in a night of gastrointestinal violence, but so far? A quiet stalemate in my gut. It’s (presumably) germ-infested baby carrots vs. whatever natural defenses I still have on retainer. My natural defenses, which, early on, seemed ill matched for the viciousness of the microscopic things unleashed by these tiny carrots, have managed…

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friends I'm posting about my damn cats again videos

Behold, a mewfest

Mewfest from Lindsey Turner on Vimeo. A man who mews more than a man really should + a woman naively saying aloud, “I wonder if there are any cat apps” + a mewing man’s quick app store-searching fingers + two already suspicious cats = this. If you have cats, turn the sound up because it is going to drive them BATTY.

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friends musings project 365 (2009) the family

Day 68: Bro-B-Q

If I have but one talent, it is running decent things into the ground until every drop of goodness have been squeezed out of them. It’s a talent and I’ve always had it and I don’t suspect I’ll ever really get tired of flexing it. If brobelfish.com doesn’t get up and running soon, I’m not sure what I’ll do with myself. I spent the day near windows, feeling the breeze and contemplating every molecule of…

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randomosity travel

Yes indeed

At the risk of jinxing all my tentative plans just by talking about them in positive tones, I’m pretty excited right now. I’ve got a roundtrip ticket to D.C. I’ve got a couch/floor/box on/in which to stay once I get there. And I’ve got a huge historic moment to witness. Yep. Pretty excited. Preeeeettttttyyyy exciiiited. I’ve never been to D.C. before. Where should I go? I figure I better put some time in at the…

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musings randomosity why am I telling you this?

Moment of whatever the opposite of clarity is

For a few hours now, I’ve been nursing cup after cup of Jamaican coffee. I guess that’s what it’s called — it’s coffee plus brandy plus rum. That’s what The Internet calls it, anyway. I have to add milk and sugar because I don’t want hair on my chest. Well, more hair. It’s a delicious concoction for a chilly autumn night and it makes me want to wear ridiculous multi-colored socks and wear a slanket.…

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