randomosity travel

Yes indeed


At the risk of jinxing all my tentative plans just by talking about them in positive tones, I’m pretty excited right now. I’ve got a roundtrip ticket to D.C. I’ve got a couch/floor/box on/in which to stay once I get there. And I’ve got a huge historic moment to witness. Yep. Pretty excited. Preeeeettttttyyyy exciiiited.

I’ve never been to D.C. before. Where should I go? I figure I better put some time in at the Newseum. Bring offerings to lay at the feet of the news-design gods (the prayer: “O News Design Gods, stave off my irrelevance for another year and I promise to respect standard gutter widths and headline hierarchy, amen!”). Of course there will be the required cemetery and monument viewing.

God, I have such museum-lust that I may not have allotted enough time (I’ll be there the 19th, 20th, 21st and leaving out on the 22nd). Seriously, I could probably spend the entire time in the Smithsonian. Thanks to my mom, I’ve been a faithful subscriber to Smithsonian Magazine for, gosh, at least five or six years now, so I feel like me and the ol’ SI are likethis. I even have a membership card and everything. Holy crap, I bet that means I get a discount!

Discount dance! Discount dance!

Okay. Obviously, I’m terribly excited about this upcoming adventure and I’ve lost all of my rational faculties and it’s all because of the juicebox wine.

I’m going back to the puppycam.

9 thoughts on “Yes indeed”

  1. Discount? At the Smithsonian? For…?

    You could spend weeks in DC and never do and see everything that’s awesome there. I recommend the pop culture section and the section with the jewels at the Smithsonian first, though.

    I also recommend lots of polar fleece and layers.

  2. oh the smithsonian! how i love thee!!! the jewel section and the history of fashion part (i hope that’s still there) were my favorites. oh, and the ruby slippers. don’t forget to go see those.

    and the library of congress! aw, shucks. i wish i could go.

  3. It’s not carved in stone, but from looking at the calendar, it looks like we’ll be there the 16th-20th. Which means we can hobnob together. Did you hear it gets cold up there? YEAH I KNOW, IT SUCKS.

  4. what’s going to be really awesome is when he says (which I believe he will; what do you think?),
    “I, Barack HUSSEIN Obama, do solemnly swear … ”

    and the Christian Evangelicals will shit their pants all over again.

  5. Ben’s Chili Bowl on U Street. They have veggie (and regular) chili cheese fries and chocolate shakes that are legendary. And it’s a cool part of town. The ChiCha Lounge is just down the street as well.

    Have fun in my former digs!

  6. L, are you saying the Smithsonian is free? YOU FUCKING BLEW MY MIND.

    S, I still think you and D should come. I will stash you in my luggage.

    J, yes!

    C, yay, I can’t wait to report!

    A, I eagerly await aforementioned hobnobbage.

    N and PW, I have applied for tickets but have heard nothing, nada! :( And I look forward to evangelical pants-shitting every day of the next 4-8 years.

    F, thanks for the tip. I will likely be hitting you up for more!

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