food friends Nashville Project 365 (2011)

Day 16/365: Chocolaaaaate

Why yes, this blog is now officially a food-photography blog, why do you ask? Just kidding! Although being a food photographer is on my short list of dream jobs. My friend Ashley gave me this bar of Olive & Sinclair salt and pepper chocolate as part of my Christmas gift, and I think it’s so cool that it’s made by a Nashville company. Not to mention their snazzy package design. The chocolate itself? Well, it’s…

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Nashville news the family yardlust


Mom, dad, and the nephews came down Sunday and we went to a Redbirds game. We were among a dozen or so people in attendance on what turned out to be a lovely evening. I am exaggerating. There had to be thirty people there. It felt nice to show off the park and even nicer that the Redbirds won. Going to those games is bittersweet; it’s always fun but when I go, I see how…

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friends Nashville randomosity the family weather work

‘An act of God’

The limb‘s on me, the insurance company says. (I inquired because it appears that I now have a leak in the ceiling in, curiously, the exact spot where that bastard hit the roof.) Just because it fell from a neighbor’s tree doesn’t make the neighbor responsible, seeing as how it was “an act of God” and all. Bokay. So begins my quest to find a roofer who will either come in way under my deductible…

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friends music Nashville

A post about a show

The Joanna Newsom show Sunday at the Mercy Lounge was equal parts lovely and wonderful and ridiculous and funny. The lovely and wonderful parts are, of course, the bits where Newsom and her band were involved (we more or less missed the entire opening act since the show was listed as starting at 9 but he was already playing by the time we got there at 8:30). It is a new experience for me, watching…

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friends music Nashville

‘Trying to quit’ll make you wish you didn’t start’

My good friend Kristin made me a Nashville mix CD back in January and it had this song on it, and I swear to you, every time I hear it, I can’t help but get a little teary. I am a sentimental fool and this is a great fucking song. (Caitlin Rose.) It’s this kind of thing that makes me pine for Nashville even while I cling to Memphis.

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music Nashville project 365 (2009)

Day 320: Regina

A lovely, if subdued, show. Mostly new songs (I was rooting for old and obscure stuff, but, well, there ya go). She’s just spun sugar and so funny to boot. I liked seeing her with strings and a drummer backing her. Her country song was hilarious. So much talent concentrated in one person. It’s just kind of amazing. [Project 365]

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music Nashville YouTube

‘Some more, yes please, some more’

I’m heading to Nashville in a bit to see my girl Regina tonight at the Ryman. Saw her there before in 2008 and I was wine weepy and it was fabulous. She sounds just as amazing in person as she does on her records, which is rare for a lot of musicians. So excited to see her again with even more songs for her to choose from. Forgive the geekery but I am in love…

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comedy friends Nashville project 365 (2009)

Day 100: Flight of the Conchords

I’ll cop to it — I didn’t get any decent pictures of the Conchords OR Kristen Schaal, who opened for them (squee!), not only because I was too chickenshit to challenge Grandpa McUsher, who was roaming the rows and threatening to cut people with cameras, but mostly because I can’t take pictures in the dark. I just can’t. Plus I was excited. Whatever — I don’t live my WHOLE life through a screen! Anyway. The…

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all paragraphs in this post start with I music Nashville videos

I can’t stop listening to this lady

I love it when music finds me at the right time and I don’t have to do any work. I was getting sick of all my CDs and suddenly my friend Ay swoops in with a disc of ditties that I’ve not been able to stop listening to for two straight days. I’ve not even been able to pause it for long enough to listen to another CD she made me. I sure hope that…

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